Birthday and name day in Złoty Staw

A perfect place for birthday and name day. For bigger and smaller birthday person.

A happy birthday and great fun with loved ones

Each of us celebrates its own little holiday once a year – birthday. We know how to create a good atmosphere and provide a great fun on that day. Each birthday is a great chance to have a fantastic time with family and friends. Hosting a birthday party at Złoty Staw is a great alternative to traditional “house parties”.

Złoty Staw is a perfect place to host your birthday or name day party. In addition to a magnificent hall and accommodation, we offer a delicious menu, the possibility to order a birthday cake and other cakes as well as selected alcoholic beverages. At your request, we will decorate your anniversary and do our best to meet all your needs. We will adapt to your wishes, so that these shared moments remain in your memories for a long time. During the summer season, you are welcome to use the barbecue shelter.